Friday, July 18, 2008

Silvia Zane: A resonant cyclotron scattering model for the soft X-ray spectra of magnetar candidates (Talk given by Roberto Turolla)

The goal of providing the model presented here is to explain why the 0.5-10 keV emission is well represented by a Blackbody + power law component. The main idea suggests that the magnetic field is twisted inside the object. This required a supporting current that could be the cause of the X-ray luminosity increase that we observe, the cause of spectral hardening and of spin down torque increase. The resonant cyclotron scattering model developed can be applied to all magnetars (2 tabulated models available for XSPEC). Further investigation of the effects of QED cross section are required to take into account ultra-relativistic electrons. In addition, the author evoked the need to understand the cause of long term variability of AXPs and the high energy tail observed. Finally, the issue of a possible external field also have to be investigated.

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